Our services
Haircuts & Styling
Merle Norman Makeup
Manicure & Pedicure
Spa Services
About Us:
Nathan has always loved art and uses hair as his canvas.
Nathan started doing hair in 1991 and has been passionate about his craft ever since.
His education took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota at Horst Education Center.
Early in his career, Nathan, competed in competitive hairstyling competitions and did hair for fashion shows most weekends. He also produced and directed hair and fashion shows early in his career. He travels to the best hair education available to keep up with current trends and technics and looks to keep his clients up to date and looking there best. Nathan started his career in St. Paul Minnesota and has also done hair in Philadelphia and Wisconsin before moving to the Branson area and has worked at Gary's Coiffeurs since 1998. Nathan has a diverse clientele and enjoys working on every age group. His passion is color and matching the haircut to the clients personality, career and face shape. Since purchasing Gary Coiffeurs and creating The Gallery Salon, his commitment to customer satisfaction has only increased and he enjoys working on providing an excellent atmosphere. If your looking for a change in style or just an update to your current look Nathan's artistic eye and experience are just what you need.